



This organization is incorporated under the laws of the state of Utah and shall be known as the Greater Nephi Chamber of Commerce.



(1) Preserving the competitive enterprise system of business by creating a better understanding and appreciation of the importance of business people and a concern for their problems; educating the business community and representing it in city, 县, 和国家, and political affairs; preventing or addressing controversies if they are detrimental to the expansion and growth of business in the community; creating a greater appreciation of the value of a more liberal investment of substance and self on behalf of the interests of competitive business. 

(2) Fostering business and community growth and development through economic programs designed to strengthen and expand the income potential of all businesses in the trade area; promoting programs of a civic, 社会, and cultural nature that are designed to increase the functional and aesthetic values of the community; and discovering and correcting abuses that prevent the advancement of business expansion and community growth.



Any person may apply for membership in the Greater Nephi Chamber of Commerce upon the form of application for membership prescribed by the Officers.


活跃会员:所有个人, 公司, 公司, 以及对广告感兴趣的业主, 工业, 并可能成为农业发展的社区成员.



(1) 会员 is for one year; renewing on the first day of the month the business initially joined the chamber.  会员 in the Greater Nephi Chamber of Commerce shall terminate upon death or the dissolution of the firm, 公司, 或其他组织和可能, 由会员选择, 在离开Juab县地理区域后终止.

(2)若不缴付会费,PG电子平台的会籍可能会被终止, 或行为与会员身分不符, by a majority vote of the members at any regular or special meeting; provided that written notice of the proposed action and or the right of the member to appear at the meeting on his/her own behalf has been given to the member at least 20 days prior to the meeting.


在公共事务方面的杰出表现可授予荣誉会员资格. Honorary members shall have all the privileges of members except the right to vote and shall be exempt from payment of dues. 授予或撤销荣誉会员资格,以多数表决通过. 




The Officers of the Greater Nephi Chamber of Commerce shall consist of four members to be elected by the membership of the Greater Nephi Chamber of Commerce as President, 副总统, 秘书兼司库. 



The election of Officers shall be held during the month of September of each year in the manner hereafter set forth, 新当选的官员应于选举后10月就职.



Voting shall be by written or electronic ballot by active members only and no member shall cast more than one vote.  不允许委托投票.  只有信誉良好的委员才可投票.


选举产生的官员任期为两年. President and Treasurer shall be elected on the even numbered years and 副总统 and Secretary on odd numbered years.  




没有警察, 以选举为准, 应当选或任职超过连续三(3)届,每届两年.


如出现任何官员空缺,应由得票第二高的人填补.  Any officer so appointed shall serve for the remainder of the term for which his/her successor shall have been elected and assume office as here-in-above set forth. 官员辞职时,任期剩余不足6个月的, 这个空缺将在下次选举中填补. 如果一个学期还有7个月或更长时间, 选票上票数第二高的候选人无法填补空缺, 众议院可以自行决定举行特别选举.



The President shall preside at all meetings of the membership and shall be an ex-officio member of all regular and special committees. The President shall be responsible for hiring, discharging, directing, and supervising all employees. The President shall be responsible for the preparation of an operating budget covering all activities of the chamber subject to approval of the members. 总统还应负责经批准的预算拨款的所有支出. 



副总统将行使总统可能指派的职责.  主席不能担任职务时,由副主席代理主席职务. The Vice President shall be responsible for the preparation of an operating budget covering all activities of the chamber subject to approval of the members. 副总裁应为银行账户的签字成员.



秘书将记录所有会议,并根据需要提供副本. The Secretary shall be responsible for the preparation of an operating budget covering all activities of the chamber subject to approval of the members.



The Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation of an operating budget covering all activities of the chamber subject to approval of the members. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the safeguarding of all funds received by the chamber and for their proper disbursement. Such funds shall be kept on deposit in financial institutions or invested in a manner approved by the board of directors. 支票应由财务主管和董事长签名, 在两者都没有的情况下, 任何两个军官. 财务主管应向会员提交年度财务报告.



官员有权以组织的名义:起诉和持有, 出售或租赁不动产和个人财产, 负债, 借钱, giving therefor notes of the organization signed by two or more officers  and may enter into contracts of any kind furthering the purposes of the Chamber.



It shall be the duty of the Officers to carry into effect the purposes of the organization; to make, 采用, 及/或修订附例, rules and regulations for the government of the organization; to create and appoint subordinate officers and positions and to prescribe the duties thereof.



支付给PG电子竞技平台的所有款项应存入一般业务基金. 本年预算中未使用的资金可以存入准备金账户. 



预算批准后, the president is authorized to make disbursements on accounts and expenses provided for in the budget without additional approval of the members. 









These bylaws may be amended or altered by a majority of the members at any regular or special meetings, 但会议通知须包括修订建议. Any proposed amendments or alterations shall be submitted to the board or the members in writing at least 10 days in advance of the meeting at which they are to be acted upon. 



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